January 28, 2012

Snowball Fight


Troy has been working diligently on making a fort for the ultimate snowball fight with the kids.  There are many challenges that come with a project like this.  The first challenge that he faced was finding some snow clothes. 


As it seems the women’s size 8 snow suit that our neighbor’s gave us wouldn’t keep all the snow out.

The next challenge he had to overcome was figuring out a way to get the snow to pack together.  To his dismay the snow in our yard in no way resembles the Utah snow that he grew up knowing and loving.  So he had to get a little creative in order to turn the icy fluff into packing snow.  He would send the kids into the house with orders for things like a spray bottle, a bowl, a pitcher of water, the toy bucket, and a wagon. 


 Sorry I didn’t get a picture of that.


His third and final challenge, he has yet to overcome.

Finding a a worthy opponent.

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the Horton Hurricane said...

Lol lol our snow igloos were the bet on the block remember the one we could actually go inside of? I so wish I was there to join in. As for the snowsuit well I just don't know what to say about that beauty

Par 5 said...

Can I borrow that snowsuit? Just looking at it, I think it would fit my figure just fine. :) Gimme feels pretty proud to have Troy for her uncle...she thinks he's the funnest guy around (so long as he's not wearing a mask...)

Noelle and Corey said...

That picture made our day!!!! Looks like fun!

grandma to 16 said...

I cannot quit laughing!!!