January 17, 2012



I sometimes associate the days of the week with colors. 

Monday is Red

Tuesday is Blue

Wednesday is Orange

Thursday is Purple

Friday is Pink

Saturday is Green

Sunday is Yellow

I know that on the Calendar Sunday is the first day of the week but I feel like it is the last day of the week because everything starts over on Monday.

So being that yesterday was MLK day and the kids didn’t have school, it didn’t feel at all like a Red day and since today is like Monday and Tuesday mixed, it sort of feels like Red and Blue, but that makes purple which would be Thursday.  So is tomorrow Friday? 

Confession: I am discombobulated.


the Horton Hurricane said...

Lol love it. You are so hilarious, I agree with Sunday feeling like the last day of the week

grandma to 16 said...

I always did my laundry on monday..............the holiday upset my schedule as well....! (smile) I think we are all creatures of habit~~

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

haha may day has definitely just been RED :) I love the colors.