May 04, 2010

To all you Moms

As many of you know I recently had a birthday. So I was asked, "what do you want for your birthday?" I don't know what I want. So I decided to confide in those I spend the most time with, my kids, afterall I spend all day everyday with them so they should know me the best.

I said: "Kids what should I get for my birthday?"

After putting much thought into their answers they sincerely responded with what they thought I would like the best!

Dash said: "I know mom. Scentsy stuff."

Violet with great excitement said: "Cleaning Supplies!"

Well, there you have it. Mom in a nutshell. I sell Scentsy and I do housework.

So my question to all of you mothers out there, and I want you to put a lot of thought into it, is what would you choose to do all day if there was no outside work, cleaning house, laundry, dishes etc. I have been doing the mommy grind for so long now that I had a hard time coming up with something that I would like for myself.

So as a Mother's Day gift to yourself. Dig deep, think about it, who are you outside of the daily grind? Then share it with us.


Rock, Paper, Scissors said...

[window] Shopping. Listen to my music at my volume. Read.

There ought to be more to me than that, but that is honestly what sounds divine. Especially the window shopping. I think I enjoy window shopping more than actually buying stuff.

Happy b-lated birthday!

the Horton Hurricane said...

Well let's see I'm an attention loving, loud, funny, air headed kind of a girl.

Other then being a Mom I would have to say some of my favorite moments would be reading a good book without having to stop, or taking a nap with the TV on. Going out to dinner is great and being able to sit and talk way after the check has come. Getting my hair done always makes me feel fabulous. Going to the Temple and feeling peace and gaining perspective on life. These are some of my favorites.....but being a Mom takes the cake (some days I just need to remind myself)

grandma to 16 said...

ok.#1....going dancing ( make Troy take you!!) you don't have to be a good dancer to have fun dancing and laughing together....

#2 a great movie that you have been wanting to see
#3 several hours at a craft fair/boutique
#4 buying an old piece of furniture you love and refinishing
#5 getting hair done like Jen, I love it!! but also getting a pedicure or facial,,,,,,,,yummy
#5 shopping is always always a good standby!!
#6 dinner out!!
*7 and the best for me the money to go into a bookstore and buy whatever book I really really want.....forgetting cost!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to come and see you guys.
love, Brooke

Par 5 said...

Well let's see...hmmm....I'd go for some crafty stuff, you know like making cute vinyl signs, or arranging flowers or cute stuff like that. Since we're just wishing here, I'd like to be good at that stuff so my time spent would be productive and not just re-doing everything because it looks terrible. :) I'd also love to take pictures if I had a good camera and then I'd write a book...oh wait, I am writing a book right here. Sorry about that.

grandma to 16 said...

speaking of scentsy.....I need to order a new Cyprus warmer and cocunt lemongrass, cinnamin & clove & pima cotton bars.....I gave my mom my old warmer and miss it!!!!

ly, sj